
ICAS support and resources

1. Getting started

Learn about how to get set up, dates, the Parent Payment System and more.

ICAS checklist (summarised user guide)

A summary of the steps required to run ICAS. A must-have for any school coordinator.

ICAS user guide

A comprehensive and detailed guide on how to use the assessments portal and to answer your specific how-to questions.

Technical requirements

This link is used to make sure your device is ready and able to sit ICAS.

ICAS dates

Here is where you’ll find key dates ICAS.

Accessibility options enquiry form

This enquiry form is available to all schools to fill in if they require accessibility options for their students.

Payment options

Learn how your school can pay for ICAS.

ICAS Parent Payment System*

How to sign up your school
*Available for Australia and New Zealand schools only.

How to make a school ICAS purchase

Follow these simple steps to purchase ICAS for your school using credit card or EFT.

ICAS Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions for schools purchasing ICAS can be found here.

Frequently asked questions

A school code and password were issued to your school when it initially registered with ICAS Assessments. The teacher at your school who coordinated ICAS in previous years may know the details. Alternatively, please contact us to reset your password.

It is possible your school’s firewall is blocking access to the shop. Please contact your school’s IT department for assistance. If you are still experiencing difficulties, please contact us.

Log in to the shop and click on My Account to view the primary contact email and address details that we have on file for your school.

2. Communicate

Learn how to inform parents and students about ICAS, and download customisable templates.

School to parents communications template

This document provides templates for schools to use to send to parents/guardians, including a permission form and privacy collection statement.

ICAS promotional content

Spread the word about your school’s participation in ICAS to your parent and student community. Download images and content for your school social media pages and website.

Parent instructions for locked-down browser

Request to install locked-down browser on a BYOD student device. Only required for Spelling Bee and Writing subjects.

Terms and Conditions for parents and guardians

Also suitable for schools buying past papers.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, we have standard templates that your school can adapt to suit your needs. Please see the "School to parents communications template" above. 

The Janison Privacy Policy can be found at the footer of the ICAS Assessments website, or here.

3. Prepare for testing

Learn how to prepare your school for test day.

School coordinator dashboard

Invite new staff

Import students

Allocate test licences to students

Print student logins

Locked-down browser

This link will take you to the locked-down browser support page with information and guides on how to set up a locked-down browser using Janison Replay.

Frequently asked questions

This depends on the type of account your staff hold in the assessments portal. There are two types of teacher roles in the portal: Teacher and Unrestricted Teacher.

We recommend that any staff who are going to be supervising the test on test day be assigned the Unrestricted Teacher role and not the Teacher role, so as to have access to all students who will be sitting the ICAS tests. This is especially useful for secondary school staff who are supervising students from different home-room classes.

If you wish to allocate the Teacher role to your staff, you will need to ensure that you include class information in your student import and that you assign class(es) to teachers.

Students can only be allocated to one class in the assessments portal. The class field is not mandatory for ICAS when uploading student details into the assessments portal.

If there are staff in the school with the Teacher role, you must assign them a class. To do this, click “Assign classes to teachers” from the School Coordinator dashboard. The Teacher’s account must have been activated prior to assigning classes to teachers.

Note: As the School Coordinator and Unrestricted Teacher roles have access to all students in the Assessments Portal for your school, you do not need to assign them any classes.

If you have already uploaded your student data without classes, you will need to reupload the spreadsheet with the class field populated. You can only add a class to existing individual student records if the class already exists in the assessments portal.

Spelling Bee and Writing require the locked-down browser application. Only one download is needed per device.

4. Sit the test

Learn how to sit and run ICAS, including the crucial test supervision instructions to be provided to invigilators.

Supervise a live test

How students take a test

Example of question types asked

Test supervision instructions

This document contains a script on what to say to students and how to administer the assessment on test day.

Frequently asked questions

Yes. On the day of the ICAS test, the supervising teacher needs to log in to create and start the test session.

Yes, the test supervisor instructions. This document explains how to supervise each subject and year level. It also provides information on how many questions are asked, and how long each test needs to be run for.


If a student, for example, becomes ill during the test the teacher will pause the student’s test. This means that the student will not be able to access it from home. Where appropriate, on a subsequent day within the official sitting period, the teacher can create a new test session for the student. The student can continue with their test using the same one-time code and the newly created test session code.

Pause is used to temporarily stop a student’s test. They will be postponed when the session closes at the end of the day. And then the student’s test can be restarted another day with a new session code and the student can continue where they left off.


5. Review results

Learn how to access and review ICAS results.

ICAS school results online quick guide

This quick guide provides teachers and school coordinators with helpful tips on accessing results for their students

ICAS parent/student guide: How to access online reports

This guide provides an overview for parents of how to access their child’s results

How to use ICAS results to boost your school's performance

A guide on how to use results to improve your learning programs, help with class selection and more

Frequently asked questions

The results for all tests are available in the results portal. Access to the portal can be done in the following ways:

  1. Go to the results portal and log in using your school’s 8-digit school code and password.

  2. Go to the assessments portal and click on Results on the dashboard or on the Results icon in the navigation bar and follow the link. You will be taken directly to the results portal through a single-sign-on process.

Students can access their results from student Results Portal. The Student handout provides a student with their personal login details for the Results Portal. The school can print the handouts from the Result and Reports Portal and distribute to the students.

To be awarded an ICAS medal, students must have sat their assessment in the official testing window and achieved the HIGHEST SCORE in their region – and even then, their score must be deemed sufficiently meritorious when compared to other regions!* We congratulate all our medal winners for their exceptional academic performance in ICAS 2023. Think your child or students have what it takes?

1. Paying

Learn about paying for ICAS through the Parent Payment System. 

How to purchase using the ICAS Parent Payment System*

4 quick steps to help you purchase ICAS tests for your child.
*Australian and New Zealand schools only.

2. Setting up

Learn how to set up ICAS on your device.

Parent instructions for locked-down browser

Request to install locked-down browser on a BYOD student device. *only required for Spelling Bee and Writing subjects.

Terms and Conditions for purchasing through our online shop

Also suitable for schools buying past papers.

Frequently asked questions

The locked-down browser app (called Janison Replay) is designed to prevent your child from accessing other applications such as web pages, cameras, spell checks, screenshotting, keyword shortcuts, and other features during the live assessment. For more information, check out our locked-down browser page.

Please follow the technical readiness test to ensure your child's device is ready for ICAS.

3. Sitting the test

Learn how to sit the test. You can also complete some practice questions to become familiar with the layout of ICAS tests.

How Students Take a Test

Examples of question types asked

Frequently asked questions

Please visit to access the assessments portal. When using an iPad to access the locked-down browser, please visit

Every child is provided with their own unique one-time code to access their test. This is combined with a unique test session code that is created by the teacher on the day of the test. Children can only access the test once the teacher has started the test session, and the teacher monitors them during the assessment using the Supervise Live Test feature in the assessments portal.

Unfortunately, your child can only complete ICAS in the specific sitting window for their subject, unless advised otherwise.

4. Accessing the results

You can access your child’s ICAS results online via our Results portalusing your TAP-ID and PIN, 8 to 10 business days* after the final sitting day of each ICAS subject.

How to get your TAP-ID and PIN if your child has sat ICAS in a previous year

  1. Find your TAP-ID and PIN on the back of a previous year’s ICAS certificate. Note, your child’s TAP-ID and PIN could have changed if they’ve moved schools.
  2. Alternatively, you can request it using this form. You will receive it 1-3 business days after you submit the form.

How to get your TAP-ID and PIN if this the first time your child has sat ICAS

  1. You can request it using this form 8 to 10 business days* after the final sitting day of your child’s ICAS subject. You will receive it 1 – 3 business days after you submit the form.
  2. Alternatively, you can find the TAP-ID and PIN on your child’s certificate which will be sent to their school approximately 4 weeks after the final sitting day for each subject (except Writing which is 7-9 weeks). Your school will provide this to you at their discretion.

*Important note: While we will be doing our best to achieve these timings, we hope you understand that there may be some unforeseen reporting delays that may impact the release of TAP-ID’s, PINS and results. In this instance we will keep schools and parents informed via email.

ICAS parent/student guide: How to access online reports

This guide provides an overview for parents in order to access their child’s results

Frequently asked questions

Your child can access their results online via the results portal. They will need to enter their TAP ID and PIN which are located on their ICAS certificates. You can also follow the ICAS parents/students guide which provides a detailed explanation on how to view results.

Results for all ICAS subjects (apart from ICAS Writing) are released online approximately 8-10 working days after the official sitting window has closed. Writing is released approximately 4-6 weeks after the official sitting window because it requires manual marking.

Certificates are despatched to schools approximately 2 weeks after results are released.

To be awarded an ICAS medal, students must have sat their assessment in the official testing window and achieved the HIGHEST SCORE in their region – and even then, their score must be deemed sufficiently meritorious when compared to other regions!* We congratulate all our medal winners for their exceptional academic performance in ICAS 2023. Think your child or students have what it takes?

Need further support?
Our customer service team is ready to assist you with your queries.
Schools outside of Australia and New Zealand: Please contact your local representative.