9 interesting things about ICAS [infographic]

Ever wondered when ICAS actually started? How long it takes to create an ICAS paper? Or how many students have participated in the competition over the years?
Ponder no longer – we’ve taken some of the most interesting things about ICAS and turned them into a cool infographic. We hope you enjoy it!
9 interesting things about ICAS
- ICAS started over 40 years ago in 1981.
- Students from across Australia, New Zealand and around the world now sit ICAS. It has run in 16,000+ schools across 41 countries.
- Over 10,000,000 students have sat one of 6 exams: English, Mathematics, Science, Digital Technologies, Writing and Spelling Bee
- ICAS is now tested online, using the same technology platform as NAPLAN – so it’s great exam sitting practice for students!
- The number of questions ranges from 30 up to 60 per exam.
- Each question can take up to 1.5 years to be developed and tested before making it into a paper.
- Teachers from every continent except Antarctica have worked on an ICAS paper!
- 54% of participants get Participation, 10% get Merits, 10% get Distinctions, 1% of participants get High Distinctions.
- To get an ICAS medal is a BIG deal! To win an ICAS medal, students must achieve the HIGHEST SCORE in their region – and even then, their score must be deemed sufficiently meritorious when compared to other regions!