Science allows us to light up our cities, cure diseases, and send rockets into space. It helps us predict the movement of cyclones, purify water for drinking, and chat to family members on the other side of the planet. There …
When it comes to learning and picking up new skills, some kids are like super-absorbent sponges. They seem to understand concepts, identify patterns, and solve problems faster than their classmates, and so we call them gifted. With stronger natural abilities, …
Spelling Bee might conjure up images of adorable kids standing on stage and reciting tricky words like “elephant.” And while it’s undoubtedly one of the cutest academic competitions, it carries some seriously important benefits for participants. These are seven of …
In a system where teachers often manage classes of 20+ students, one of their greatest challenges is meeting the unique needs of each individual. At Te Aratai College in Christchurch, Garth Lewis is well aware of this fact. As Assistant …
Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were a 10-year old? At that delicate age, where childhood has only just started to recede into the background, you might have wanted to be something wildly aspirational like an …
If your child’s school is participating in the ICAS competition, you may be wondering how it differs from NAPLAN. ICAS and NAPLAN have entirely unique purposes, and in this article, we provide a simple breakdown of the key differences between …
Literacy and numeracy are hot topics in Australian education. A 2023 Government report found that students outside major cities are, on average, 1.75 years behind in literacy and 2 years behind in numeracy.1 And because these skills underpin everything in …
Being a student can sometimes feel like a balancing act between boredom and stress. They’d like the classwork they do to be just challenging enough to be interesting, but not so difficult that they get the urge to mercilessly attack …
Winning an ICAS medal is an incredible achievement, and the recognition that goes along with it can really spur children onto greater things. In this article, we’ve curated the greatest tips from past medal winners so that your child can …
Every year, thousands of students sit the ICAS competition from countries across the world. If your child is one of them, and you’re wondering whether they have achieved a good ICAS score or grade, we’ll explain how they work in …